By using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, more energy can be directed to specific locations in the body. Damaged cells are reenergized by boosting electrical charges within the cell that restore it to its normal healthy state. Bio-currents which improve the flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues and the flow of ions and nutrients into the cells are created by PM. Energy is put back into the body by recharging the mitochondria (the cells’ power producers). The additional energy is then stored in the body from 4 hours to 10 days, enabling your body to use it as it needs.Dear customer .Welcome to Gomecy Website
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Functions1. Remove all kinds of tattoo.
2. Remove pigmentation formed by pathological changes of pigment skin and mixed color, dermis spot, fleck,black nevus, age pigment, birthmark and Nevus of Ota.
3. Remove all kinds of embroider eyebrow tattoo, embroider lip tattoo, soak lip tattoo, embroider eye line tattoo and lip line tattoo.
4.Brown mole removal and Skin Rejuvenation
Pulses a magnetic field into the body, creating an extraordinary healing effect. The results are less pain, reduction in swelling,and increased range of motion in the affected areas. Damaged cells are reenergized by boosting electrical charges within the cellthat restore it to its normal healthy state. Cellular metabolism increases, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved,and absorption of oxygen is increased by upwards of 200%. The immune system becomes healthier and the liver, kidneys, and colon are better able to eliminate waste and toxins.Advantages
1.Non-invasive, ambulant therapy
2.No reported side effects
3.Wide range of therapeutic applications
4.High oscillating frequency with deep penetration
5.Comfortable and straightforward
6.Effective fatigue-free work for the user
7.Applicator positioning by hand or with the flexible holding arm
8.Adjustable frequency up to 10 pulses/s
9.Non-contact work with the human body is safer
10.Integrated touch screen adjustable energy levelApplication
The areas of application include:
* Diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as lower back pain and tendinopathies of the rotator cuff or achilles tendon.
* Degenerative joint diseases Wear and tear conditions such as osteoarthritis.
* Pain treatment Chronic pain such as back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathies, heel pain.
* Sports injuries Chronic inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overuse syndromes, inflammation of the pubic bone.